Friday, May 6, 2011

Review: Do you wear suspenders? The Wordy Tales of Eh Poh Nim by Lydia Teh

Title: Do you wear suspenders? The Wordy Tales of Eh Poh Nim
Author: Lydia Teh
Year: 2009
ISBN: 978-967-5222-08-5

Do you wear suspenders? The Wordy Tales of Eh Poh Nim written by Lydia Teh is a story book with a twist. It is the story of Eh Poh Nim who is extremely loquacious with the use English Language in an out-of the ordinary way, i.e. in the form of similés, idioms, hyperboles and oxymorons, just to name a few. This book has been written in a very creative way and it actually can be used as a tool in English Language learning, especially from secondary school onwards.

For someone like yours truly who considers herself to be quite a good user of English Language, I found out that I still learned quite a bit from this book, especially the differences between similés, idioms and hyperboles where previously I admit I was very ignorant of them, although I have managed to use them correctly. I have also learned the different and actual contexts that these language elements can be used appropriately.  

Also, Teh has been able to write the story to reflect the multi-racial country Malaysia is, illustrating the candid and heart-warming situations many Malaysians would find often themselves in, using Eh Poh Nim and her family and friends to illustrate the everyday and colourful life they often lead, which make the book an interesting read.

I highly recommend this book to readers who enjoy short stories written in a light and heart-warming manner. The bonus this book offers is that you get to learn the English Language in an unconventional but a very fun way, and it won't be a chore in learning the language. Last but not least, it's TWO thumbs-up yet again to Lydia Teh for writing such wonderfully entertaining book.

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